Panometer GmbH
Richard-Lehmann-Straße 114
04275 Leipzig
T +49 341 355534 0
F +49 341 355534 50
Represented by:
Yadegar Asisi (Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV)
Register entry:
Entry in the commercial register.
Register court: Leipzig District Court
Register number: HRB 32060
VAT ID No. in accordance with § 27 a Value Added Tax Act: DE244082809
Responsible for the Internet site
Panometer GmbH
Managing Director (responsible within the meaning of the German Press Law)
Yadegar Asisi
Website concept and design
asisi F&E GmbH (Sandra Knüpfer)
(Conceptual design: Jörg Olvermann)
Torsten Grossmann
asisi F&E GmbH (Denise Lüderitz)
Panometer GmbH
Image editing
Panometer GmbH
All Photos © asisi, Tom Schulze, Sabine Wenzel
Liability for contents
The contents of these pages were created with great care. We shall not assume any liability or warranty for the topicality, accuracy and completeness of the content made available by us. As service provider, we are responsible for the content of these pages in accordance with §7 Sect. 1 TMG (Telemedia Law). However, in accordance with §§ 8 to 10 TMG, we as service provider are not obligated to monitor transmitted or stored foreign information or to search for circumstances which might indicate illegal activity. Obligations for the removal or barring of the use of information in accordance with legal regulations remain unaffected. Any liability in this respect is, however, only incurred from the moment that knowledge of the specific infringement is obtained. These contents will be immediately removed after discovery of any corresponding infringements.
Liability for links
Our pages contains links to third-party websites whose content we cannot influence. We therefore cannot take guarantee for such third-party content. The respective provider or operator of the sites will always be responsible for the content of these pages. The sites linked were checked for possible legal violations at the time of the creation of the link. Unlawful contents were not recognizable when the link was created. However, permanent checking of the contents of linked websites is unreasonable without firm suspicion of any legal infringement. These links will be immediately removed after discovery of any infringements.
The contents and works on these websites prepared by the operator of the websites are subject to German copyright law. The reproduction, adaptation, distribution or any kind of exploitation outside the limits of copyright require the written consent of the author or creator. Downloads and copies are permitted only for private, non-commercial use. Where the content of this page was not created by the operator of this website, third-party copyrights will be respected. Third-party content is especially designated as such. Should you notice any copyright violation nonetheless, we ask you to please notify us. Such contents will be immediately removed upon discovery of any infringements.
Data protection
The use of our website is generally possible without providing personal data. If personal data is requested on our pages (for example name, address or e-mail address), fulfilment of this request will always be voluntary, if possible. This data will not be passed on to third parties without your explicit consent. We would like to inform you that data transfers through the Internet (e.g. communication via e-mail) may be subject to security vulnerabilities. Complete protection of data from access through third parties is not possible. We hereby expressly prohibit the use of the contact data published as part of our duty to provide an imprint for the purpose of sending us any advertising or informational materials that we have not expressly requested. The operators of the websites expressly reserve the right to take legal action in the event of unsolicited sending of advertising, for example through spam mail.